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British Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (BSCMR)

The British Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (BSCMR) is a Charity affiliated to the British Cardiovascular Society (BCS).

Formed in 2006 by a group of national leaders and enthusiasts in Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (CMR), the British Society of CMR (BSCMR) rapidly evolved into the national representative body in the UK for CMR. Affiliated to the British Cardiovascular Society (BCS), BSCMR aims to promote the clinical use and practice of highly quality cutting edge CMR, and to strive for high quality diagnostic CMR services across the length and breadth of the land.

Virtually unique as one of only a handful of national bodies worldwide dedicated solely to CMR it benefits from the substantial research undertaken and ongoing in CMR in the UK, through which it aims to support and guide through its dedicated research committee.

The future of BSCMR will be developing year round educational and learning events for the benefit of members, and continuing to represent the interests of CMR, both within the UK an beyond…

600+ Members


BSCMR is firmly committed to training and education both as a core component of cardiology and radiology and at more advanced, specialist level. BSCMR has been involved in several initiatives both nationally and internationally to deliver high quality training and education, to ensure that all can learn of the value and importance of the novel diagnostic modality.

Being fortunate in the UK to have some of the world’s largest and most prestigious CMR departments, BSCMR benefits from a rich and diverse Board, representing a wider community of over 300 members and it’s Annual Congress is well attended, regularly attracting nearly 200 attendees. Behind the International (SCMR) and European (EuroCMR) representative bodies for CMR, it is one of the largest groups of CMR specialists internationally. Despite this, given its relatively small size it maintains a friendly and collegiate atmosphere amongst its members.