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Join the BSCMR


  • is the sole professional organisation in the UK for practitioners working in CMR
  • develops training strategies, training materials, organises and runs its own national training course and meetings for members.
  • holds a major national annual conference. (preferential rates for members)
  • circulates national job vacancies.
  • publishes guidelines and standards for good practice.
  • funds grants to enable members to attend important national / international meetings and courses.
  • works closely with <text here> equipment manufacturers and respiratory pharmaceutical companies.

Please complete the membership form below and kindly make payment via Paypal (or Credit or Debit card via paypal).

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Comments (1)

[…] Sado, Alabed and Khan-Kheil. Any non members wishing to attend please kindly follow this link to join the BSCMR (only £25) and then return to this page once logged […]

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