The BSCMR RWG has been initiated by the BSCMR to promote the interests of CMR Radiographers. The members of this group are experienced CMR radiographers who are passionate in championing the role of CMR radiographers. We aim to develop and establish education and training resources, which will promote a standardised approach to acquiring high quality images and developing high class CMR centres.
The BSCMR not only provides our members with a platform to share our knowledge and expertise through the webinars and conferences we deliver, but also offers a place for our small community to come together and share our experiences and learn together.
Education committee
- Michelle Walkden – Education Lead
- Fiona Hamilton
- Rachel Dale
- Carol McGann
- Filip Bosio
Social Media/Communication committee
- Benny Lawton – Social Media Lead
- Cathy L’Heureux
- Carol McGann
Safety Representatives:
- Cathy L’Heureux – Safety Lead
- Louise McGrath
- Romina Linton – Congenital and Paediatric support
Congenital Representative:
- Romina Linton
The introduction of a regional representative is the biggest change in the RWG. We wanted to have specific contacts within 9 designated regions of England and one for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland to encourage a wider community and to be able to help with new services being set up within the region
Names and contact emails of our regional representatives are listed below:
Regional Representatives
London: Tiago Sequeiros ( – Lead and Regional rep co-ordinator
Yorkshire and Humberside: Lizette Cash (
North East: Donna Maxilom-Barretto (
North West: David Clark (
South East: Michelle Walkden (
South West: Simon Whigham (
East Midlands: Kevin Strachan (
West Midlands: Avninder Dhinjan (
East of England: Clare Bailie ( and Dave Hewson (
Scotland: Vanessa Orchard (
Northern Ireland: Ursula Donnelly (
Wales: Benny Lawton
RWG Members

I am a diagnostic radiographer with over 16 years of Cardiovascular MRI experience. I was the first Superintendent radiographer at the Bristol Heart Institute, one of the UK’s largest single scanner CMR units. I was a co-founder and co-director of the Bristol Cardiac MRI Radiographers course for 5 years.
After working for 20 years in the NHS, I have now moved to the independent sector as the Executive CMR Radiographer for St Joseph’s Hospital in Malpas, Wales. I currently sit on the Technologist committee for the Society of Cardiac MRI (SCMR), the education committee for the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) and I am the radiographer representative to the board of the British Society of Cardiac MR (BSCMR). I am currently a contributor to the SCMR newsletter and co-author the technologist top tip segment. I have given presentations over the last 10 years on cardiac MRI technique across the world both virtually, and in person.
I am an ardent advocate of CMR radiographer education and our role development. I have published articles on radiographer education in peer reviewed journals and industry magazines.

Tiago Sequeiros is a seasoned Advanced Research CMR (Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance) radiographer who recently assumed the role of Research Implementation and Training Lead at King’s College London (KCL). With a robust academic and professional background, Tiago is the Lead Coordinator of the regional Reps for the British Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (BSCMR) radiographers working group and an active member of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) techs working group.
Tiago holds a Postgraduate Certificate (Pgc) in Computer Tomography and a Pgc in Magnetic Resonance Imaging from City University London. His extensive experience spans over seven years in cardiac MRI, gained through his work in both the National Health Service (NHS) and the private sector. He has developed a keen interest in investigating the potential applications of cardiac imaging in low-field MRI, an area that promises to advance the accessibility and efficacy of cardiovascular diagnostics.

I am a MRI Radiographer with over 12 years of CMR experience. I am originally from New Zealand where I trained in Radiography and moved to the UK in 2007. Most of my career has been spent in London and the South of England covering a variety of static private and NHS sites.
Until 2021 I was the Operational Lead at Bart’s Heart Centre and St Bartholomew’s Hospital (Bart’s NHS Trust), where I was lucky enough to work with an incredible team of talented Radiographers, fellows and world renowned Cardiology consultants where I became fully immersed in the world of Cardiac MRI!
At BHC I helped to establish a robust scanning service nationally for patients with CIEDs and ran regular courses on MRI for patients with cardiac devices. I presented on scanning cardiac devices at UKIO in 2019.
Since then I have moved to North Yorkshire and am working predominantly in Cardiac MRI research with the outstanding team at Leeds General Infirmary (LTHT). Here I have learned spectroscopy and congenital CMR both of which I have found incredibly interesting and pleasingly challenging!
I have recently joined the Core Labs team with Mycardium AI as QC Radiographer and continue to be the Yorkshire and Humberside representative for the BSCM Radiographer’s Working Group- since 2019.

I am a CMR radiographer with over 20 years’ experience in the field beginning my CMR career at The Royal Brompton Hospital in 1997 . I then moved to the University of Oxford where I was the lead radiographer and head of Imaging applications in OCMR, having a varied research and clinical career. I am passionate about radiographer education as well as promoting best clinical practise.
I have been an invited speaker at many national and international meetings on various cardiac MR techniques and have been a faculty member of SCMR, BSCMR and Euro CMR on many occasions. I have also been invited to teach and mentor radiographers nationally and internationally and in 2018 I was the first radiographer to be awarded the honour of Fellow of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (FSCMR) in recognition of my contributions and achievements in the field.

Vanessa is currently the MRI superintendent for the Cardiac MRI service at the Golden Jubilee Hospital in Glasgow. She has been working in MRI for the past 20years and been performing dedicated CMR for the past 10years.
She started Cardiac MRI imaging in paediatrics at the RCH children’s hospital in Melbourne but returned to the UK 12 years ago to focus on CMR imaging.
She performs a wide range of CME including varied research and congenital scanning. She has been an invited speaker at international conferences such as SMRT Euro CMR and UKRC.

CMR superintendent radiographer @Kings college London, St.Thomas’ hospital since 2018 looking after 5 (soon to be 8) scanners; doing a mixture of clinical and research work at the Rayne institute. Worked previously at Barts hospital for 7 years.

I have been a cardiac MRI radiographer for 13 years, the last 4 of which have been as cardiac MR lead at Nottingham University Hospitals.
I am passionate about championing advanced practice for radiographers. I constantly look to challenge the ways CMR is taught and understood, by developing new training schedules, documentation and videos for radiographers and clinicians. I also continually strive to push the boundaries of advanced practice and role development for radiographers within CMR.
I have established a cardiology and radiology registrars CMR course in Nottingham along with my cardiology colleagues and have developed a radiographers training course due to run in late 2022 for the first time.
I am involved in ongoing in a number of national research projects with Nottingham University and Philips.
I am privileged to have been involved with the BSCMR radiographer steering group since early 2021 and have helped to develop and present interactive webinars and live presentations within the group. I am also a member of the newly founded educational sub-committee.
I am currently the only reporting radiographer of CMR in the UK.
I have also regularly presented at radiology and cardiology conferences including those organised by: BSCMR, BAMRR, ISMRT, IFRS, UKOI and Philips Medical international.
Away from radiography, I am a published author, commissioned portrait and landscape artist and a slightly bewildered husband and father to three children.

Rachel works as an Enhanced Practice CMR Reporting Radiographer at the James Cook University Hospital (JCUH), Middlesbrough, where for the last decade her speciality has been Cardiology. Rachel has a dual role working between four busy Cardiac Catheter Labs and Cardiac MRI (CMR). The CMR service started in 2011 at JCUH and Friarage Hospital Northallerton in 2018, Rachel trained MRI Radiographers and Catheter Lab Radiographers to perform CMR scans on 3 different Siemens MRI scanners. Rachel oversees CMR Research and manages the CMR Aortic surveillance program, which includes requesting and vetting requests.
Rachel is proud to have played a central role in the writing and implementation of a standard operating procedure in 2016, enabling patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices to be scanned safely in MRI.
With her continuous drive and passion to keep learning and teaching others, her professional goal is to empower colleagues to be confident in producing high quality diagnostic CMR images.
When not at work, Rachel enjoys the busyness of raising her four children along with her husband Lee.

Louise McGrath is a member of the RWG.

BSCMR RWG Education
RWG Webinar links
These are available on the BSCMR webinar page.
Suggested educational material:
- Physics:
From Picture to Proton – McRobbie, Moore Graves & Prince. ISBN 0-521-68384-X
- CMR:
Oxford Handbook of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance- Myerson, Francis & Neubauer. ISBN978-0-19-954957-3
CMR Update Edited by J Schwitter. ISBN 978-2-8399-1030-9
The EACVI handbook of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance ISBN: 9780198779735
Pocket handbooks – available to download/view online (free).
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance- pocket guide
Congenital heart disease-pocket guide
Physics for clinicians-pocket guide
- CMR Safety:
Reference Manual for Magnetic Resonance Safety, Implants, and Devices: 2020 Edition
ISBN 978-0-9891632-7-9
MRI Bioeffects, Safety, and Patient Management ISBN-13: 978-0-9891632-0-0
Chapter 10: MRI in Practice Westbrook and Talbot. ISBN 978-1-119-39196-8
- ECG:
Cardiac Arrhythmia and ECG – Medical Pocket Card Set
ECG made easy: Hampton ISBN 9780702074578Levick’s Introduction to Cardiovascular Physiology, Herring and Paterson
- Physiology:
ISBN 9780815363613
- General cardiology:
EACVI recommended reading list
Professional bodies/Societies
SCMR online-learning (SCMR members only)
SCMR Case of the Week (Available for members and non-members)
SCMR “How I Do” Series (SCMR Members only).