CMR Perfusion Imaging Completed March 2023 (Prof Peter Kellman) The meeting recording is now available here to BSCMR members.
CMR Perfusion Imaging Completed March 2023 (Prof Peter Kellman) The meeting recording is now available here to BSCMR members.
CMR Masterclass on Optimising CMR Scanning: Tips and Tricks CMR Masterclass on Optimising CMR Scanning by Dr Samer Alabed (February…
Utility of 4D Flow BSCMR Webinar Delivered by Prof Pankaj Garg on 31st January 2023 from 6-7pm. This webinar was…
GIM and Cardiology Trainee BSCMR Webinar
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The 18th BSCMR Annual Meeting is taking place in Glasgow. The Level I CMR course will be on Tuesday 24th…
The BSCMR was formed in 2004 and the current Board of Officers (2022-2024) consists of the following leading physicians in…