BCS newswire 12 June 2014, including information about BHF Overseas Events; NSTEMI survey; BCS Releases and Courses
BCS newswire 19 May 2014, including information about Imaging Village and Lifelong Learning sessions at the BCS Annual Conference
BCS newswire 15 May 2014, including information about Simulator Training; Resuscitation Skills; Lifelong Learning; McGovern Lecture
BCS newswire 8 May 2014, including information about Lifelong Learning sessions; BACPR/BANCC/BSH 4th June; BCS Courses
Course directors Professor Steffen Petersen and Dr. Mark Westwood offer this two day course offers dedicated, intense, individualised and hands-on training and…
The BSCMR would like to recruit another Observer to the Board from our membership to represent trainees in CMR to…
As BSCMR is a national imaging society, we are pleased to let you know that members of the BSCMR can…
BCS newswire 27 March 2014, including information about JBS3 now live; MDT Report; BCS Mentor…
BCS newswire 19 March 2014, including information on: JBS3 Launch; BCS Nominations; NICOR Open Day; BCS Conference Education Hall