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BSCMR Board Observer recruitment
The Society would like to recruit another Observer to the Board from our membership to represent trainees in CMR to replace Dr Ananth Kidambi, who moved to the position of BSCMR Newsletter Editor/Writer.

If you are interested in applying for this position, please email your CV and a short statement (250 words) to  by 15th September 2017. The position would nominally be for two years, unless circumstances change.


BSCMR Trainee Committee and section on the website
A committee of cardiology and radiology trainees has now been in place for over a year. To remind you, the BSCMR Training Committee consists of the following members:

  • Dr Thomas Treibel, Barts Heart Centre, London (BSCMRObserver and Trainee Committee co-chair)
  • Tbc (BSCMRObserver and Committee co-chair – election in process)
  • Dr Amardeep Dastidar, Bristol Heart Institute
  • Dr Eylem Levelt, Leicester.
  • Dr Jonathan Weir-McCall, Dundee.
  • Dr Michelle Williams, Edinburgh

The remit is to support the Board but also help improve CMR training nationally and to support course developments (specific and generic Level 1 and 2). The Committee may also be able to put you in touch with leading UK CMR researchers if you are on the lookout for research. If there are any issues which you feel need addressing at a local or national level, please feel free to liaise with Thomas via email: or your local rep so they can address concerns in their conference calls (usually held September, December & March).
The Committee is keen to try to generate a CMR trainee list from all deaneries for both cardiology and radiology. Obviously not all will be members of the BSCMR but by establishing such a network we hope to encourage membership and improve communication amongst ourselves. If you know your trainee CMR colleagues could you please email Thomas with a list of names, hospitals and email addresses.