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BSCMR Young Investigators Award 2018


Invitation for abstracts for

BSCMR Young Investigator oral presentations and posters

British Cardiovascular Imaging Meeting

2-4 May 2018, Edinburgh

Please send your abstract to

Deadline for abstract submission is Friday 9th February 2018


Abstracts are now invited for the BSCMR Young Investigator Award 2018 which will take place at the British Cardiovascular Imaging Meeting in Edinburgh. Abstracts on the subject of nuclear imaging research or audit are invited for poster or oral presentations.

If successful, applicants will be invited to display a poster during the meeting and/or give an oral presentation.

Accepted abstracts will be published as a Supplement in Heart.

Abstracts should be no more than 250 words (for introduction, methods, results and conclusions).

Please send a Word document (.doc) including

  • Abstract title
  • Full name of all authors
  • Author affiliations including country
  • Body of the abstract that should not exceed 250 words and should include the following sections:
    • Introduction,
    • Methods,
    • Results and Conclusion.
    • All abbreviations should be defined when first used.
    • Please also email a signed copy of the Abstract submission form on the following page
  • Abstracts can only be submitted for one of the three young investigator awards taking place at the British Cardiovascular Imaging Meeting

British Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance.

Enter the BSCMR Young Investigators Award 2018 by downloading the application form here:

Download (DOCX, 110KB)